In a time when every issue can feel divisive, when many have forgotten how to engage with folks who don’t think or look like them, Joseph prides himself on his ability to find common ground with—and work with—anyone with an earnest desire to make Wichita better.


    Local governments must be open and transparent, sharing not only the challenges we face but also the steps we can take to address them. It's clear that many people want to get involved, but they often don’t know how. Here's how we will improve communication:

    • Use digital tools, like social media and podcasts, to connect with a wide range of people. We’ll also make local government websites easier to use for everyone.

    • Hold quarterly meetings with neighborhood association leaders to share information in person about local challenges and opportunities.

    • Work with the City Manager to create spaces where residents can engage with City Staff and help shape policies that meet the community’s evolving needs.

    Safety and Trust with Local Government
    To create safer communities, we need to build trust between local government and residents. This is not just about elected officials but about changing the culture. Here’s how we will foster safety and trust:

    • Work with law enforcement to fund innovative programs like Cure Violence Ambassadors and ensure social workers are involved in de-escalating mental health crises.

    • Expand District Advisory Board Breakfasts to connect residents with City staff and their appointed board members.

    • Explore giving District Advisory Boards more authority to make decisions that directly impact our neighborhoods.


    Community-Based Asset Building
    Our neighborhoods are strong because we care for one another. But to keep growing, we need to strengthen neighborhood associations and empower residents. Here’s how we will do that:

    • Offer training to neighborhood associations so residents can support each other and solve problems together.

    • Review policies to ensure the city communicates with neighbors before introducing new projects.

    • Invest in arts and culture to give residents, especially youth and seniors, ways to connect with and take pride in their neighborhoods.

    • Preserve the character of our neighborhoods while prioritizing affordable housing.

    • Improve walkability and review zoning policies to ensure neighborhood amenities are close by.


    Economic Advancement

    As a first-generation college graduate, I understand the importance of opportunity. Wichita offers much, but everyone needs to find the path that works for them. Here’s how we will provide more opportunities for economic advancement:

    • Support programs like Wichita Promise and Spero that provide affordable job training and employment.

    • Partner with organizations that support urban and minority entrepreneurship to offer microloans to help local businesses get started.

    • Collaborate with non-profits to help renters become homeowners by providing financial education and credit counseling.

    • Partner with the Wichita Bar Association and local law enforcement to offer free legal services to help residents overcome financial barriers.

    Talent Retention and Attraction

    Our community loses too many young people to other cities. We need to cultivate and keep our local talent. Here’s how we’ll do it:

    • Meet regularly with school leaders to address challenges like graduation rates and create more workforce opportunities for youth.

    • Collaborate with youth organizations to better coordinate services and expose young people to local opportunities.

    • Work with Wichita State University to offer students real-world opportunities to serve in communities and fill existing gaps.

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